The Diaries of Mihkla Pall | still in chaos is a journey of bringing the outside inward through an audiovisual medium. It explores the sensory relationship between the city and the countryside by extracting memories from the persona Mihkla Pall. 

Concept & performance |  Kymbali Williams

Sound & video art | Kymbali Williams

Technical support | Rommi Ruttas & Nikita Shishkov

Artwork | Kirte Jõesaar and Kymbali Williams


Kirte Jõesaar for reminding me to breath

Giacomo Veronesi for blowing my mind


a passing of time

a memory for a memory



A haunting corridor lingers in my dreams, reminding me of tight spaces in the underground. 

A home made for gathering holds the frail bones of a loner. 

Waiting for something to happen, forever wandering in a digital haze.

This piece is a homage to a past time, forgotten, dead. 

A bittersweet reminder for those lost in corridors.


Kuulumise vahel | Inbetween Belonging


Tiina Tamm