The Diaries of Syndi Morris

The immersive theatrical project, The Diaries of Syndi Morris, was written in a conceptual style for the stage. It’s a multi-media performance that experiments with the use of ambisonics(3D sound/ surround sound), visual art and live music. It ranges from acoustic to electronic styles of music to reflect her states of being while the visual elements reveal her surroundings and enhance the overall experience.

This performance takes listeners on a journey through Syndi's eyes. We encounter her joys and sorrows through her music and movement. The mediums used are bent and formed extremely exploring raw forms of expression and emotion. This is an inquiry to unspoken truths, buried trauma and the collective experience.

The scale of this project requires a team of specialist individuals to bring it to the stage. Message me if such a project interests you!


Creative Sketches


Kym & Cathy Duo